Thursday 25 September 2008


I haven't blogged (publicly) for a while as my head and thoughts have 
been elsewhere. Commenting on the latest Jordan v Kerry has seemed a 
bit trivial over the last month. I have questioned and re-questioned 
whether or not I should use the blog to talk about what's been going 
on in my life. After all, if I met George Michael in a toilet with a 
bag of crack it would probably be on my blog before you could hear the 
police sirens. But since the first of September (now to be known in my 
head as a personal 9/1) my thoughts have remained private.

I've actually written loads. Pages and pages of free association, 
analysis and reflection. It's been a helpful process to regain some 
order in a chaotic brain. But now, almost a month on, I feel like it's 
time to go public. To 'come out' and say hello my name is Paul and I'm 
a demi-orphan.

When I found out on 9/1 that my Mum had died, the world went into slow 
motion and all I could hear was my heart beating loudly in both ears. 
In the short time between now and then, much has happened. The beating 
is sometimes still there, loud and distracting, but it is slowly being 
replaced by a sense of calmness and reflection.

I don't know why it works like this, but losing a parent has made me 
feel really grown up. When I was 17, I left Aberdeen for the bright 
lights of London. In the years that passed I thought I had become an 
adult, but it was only when I left Aberdeen again 17 years later, 
following my Mum's funeral, that I felt I was a man. I know that us 
men tend to stay in our childhoods for most of our lives, so I can 
take a bit of comfort in knowing that the little me is still in there!

I'm not suggesting for a second that my blog is going to turn into 
some depressing confessional, but recently I've been wishing that 
someone could just give me a manual on how to feel and what's on the 
horizon. Maybe by sharing some of my own experiences I can start 
writing that manual.

My tip for today actually came from a discussion I had with a GP at a 
conference yesterday. I had never met him and probably never will 
again, but for some reason he said something which felt really 
profound and meaningful. He was talking about the best way to deal 
with various types of patients and out of the blue picked the example 
of someone who is grieving and struggling with it. He said that while 
those patients often feel like they are being sucked down into a black 
hole, he finds it helpful to rather describe it as being in a tunnel 
where the light at the end is a bit distant and hard to see. Writing 
it down makes it sound a bit trite, but it helped me to understand 
that this is a process. A journey, not a destination. I've only just 
come to the realization that loss isn't like flu. I'm not going to 
wake up one morning cured of these feelings. It's more of a long term 
condition that has to be managed so that it doesn't impact too much on 
your daily life.

Anyway, now that's out of the way I can start getting back to 
celebrity gossip. We all need a bit of light relief between the 
profound moments.


Anonymous said...

I want to say something but can't find the right words..the journey analogy is appropriate for so many situations. On a lighter note I look forward to some Jordan/Kerry trash. Have you seen front cover of Reveal (I think)? Alicia Duvall 2 boob jobs in 2 weeks - looks rough as!

cchristo said...

It's been one of the hardest things I've ever had to face but the dr. is right. You just have to go on that journey and see where it leads and know that life will go on and everything will be fine. And I'll be here for more rambling novel emails and trips to Starbucks if you need me! xxoo

Anonymous said...

You're both amazing :)