Monday 1 September 2008


So this weekend we had an X-Factor double bill, having not caught up from our Cardiff excursion. It's a strange thing watching 2 in a row. It becomes kind of hypnotic, but also you can see the formula at 100 paces. Still, it makes for good blogging and if there's one good blog about X Factor it's THE BITCH FACTOR which not only makes me Laugh Out Loud but also pretty much puts me out of a job because I'll never say anything about the X Factor funnier than they will. You have to check it out.

Here's a snippet, describing the preview for an upcoming episode:

"Next week: scary woman, another scary woman, another scary woman, crying woman, scary man, another crying woman, toothless old woman with a ladyboner for Louis, some woman who I'm guessing doesn't understand what "stupefied" means."

I have been wandering around work today trying (and failing) to stop smirking about the term 'ladyboner'. I can't wait to use it in conversation.

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