Friday 26 September 2008


I won't be awake to watch the US Presidential Debate Live but I'm recording it and will be watching it first thing in the morning.  I can't get enough of this shindig!  From the outset I have to say that if I were American I would be all over Obama like a rash and he would absolutely get my vote, but there's a curveball being thrown by the Republicans.  Mrs Palin.  The lipstick pitbull.  If she loses, and I hope she does, I could guarantee she would have a career on the Drag Queen circuit.  She's fierce!  Not bad on the eye either.  

I finally got round to listening to the Republican Convention speeches (always good to hear both sides) and after getting through the awful drudge from Mr & Mrs Bush - don't let the door hit you on the way out - along came Governor Palin.  She gave a barnstorming speech which made me seriously concerned for the election result.  She was funny, intelligent, powerful.  I felt a great deal of admiration for her as a speaker, if not for her choice in childrens' names (Trig?  Track??  Bristol??? WTF).  She is a stunningly clever choice for the Republicans.  A 'hockey mom' with balls.  She can be seen as the bad cop to John McCain's "I'm not a Bush" campaign stance.  He, by the way, came across as a decent enough bloke but regardless of that he still shouldn't win.

Thankfully, Sarah Palin gave an absolute clunker of an interview on CNN which you can watch below.  All my fears were blown away.  Turns out she's actually just really good at reading an autocue, and kind of falls apart when independent thought is required.  Oh well, there's always Friday nights at Duckie.

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