Monday 1 September 2008


I'm absolutely loving the race to the White House and wish our politics in the UK was as exciting. From Hillary's "I'm in" to Obama's "Can we fix it", it's all jolly entertaining. I'm also enjoying the fact that the Republican VP candidate who is a complete nazi bitch with a 'not even after rape' policy on abortion has just had to announce the pregnancy of her 17 year old unmarried daughter. Tee hee. There are already rumours that her fifth child is actually secretly her grandchild, so I'm going to watch this one unfold with much glee.

Even if US politics doesn't interest you, I'd recommend listening to a selection of the speeches made last week at the Democrat convention. They are all free on iTunes and you can choose from Michelle Obama (brought a tear to my eye), Hillary (should have won), Bill Clinton (so cool) and the man himself B-Ob (sadly a bit disappointing at first but once warmed up got me all goosepimply).

The next couple of months will probably get unbearably schmaltzy, but hey it's better than "Yes Darling" going on about how shit life is going to be for us all and there's nothing we can do about it. I'd rather hear speeches about hopes and dreams any day.

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