Tuesday 26 February 2008


It seems like computers and the internet are becoming a more vital part of our everyday lives.  Thank God!  Finally, people are starting to realise this.  So step forward City Inn and take a massive bow.  This hotel chain have announced that every one of their hotel rooms now has its own iMac for guests to surf the net, check email, watch a DVD (*wink*) and do whatever it is people do on computers in hotel rooms.  Bravo!  I get so tired of hotels that have no Wi-Fi at all, or even worse those fuckers that charge £15 for 24 hours access.  It's good to see that the needs of the guest are finally being acknowledged and that we want more than nice bathroom goods and a packet of shortbread.  Big bonus points for choosing an iMac.  I wonder if this will persuade many people to finally switch from window$ to Mac?  

Now if only Starbucks would sort themselves out.  One thing I love about Starbucks in the US is that they have power sockets everywhere, so people sit there on their laptops while they enjoy a coffee.  Best of both worlds!  Or all three if you also have a muffin.  In this country we haven't quite caught up and people still feel a bit embarrassed about whipping out their machines in public.  If you have the balls to do so, you will soon find that you have nowhere to plug in and that WiFi access in Starbucks costs a fucking fortune.  So my high five of the day goes to these cheeky monkeys who attempted to make a point in their local Starbucks.  Geek Power!

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