Wednesday 26 March 2008


2 days back at the gym and already the excesses of easter are fading from memory.  Shame the love handles aren't shifting quite so fast.  Still, I'm a man so at least I am protected from the whole body facism that is aimed at women by a hostile tabloid media.  


Cut to today's Daily Mail.  Not one, but two (TWO) stories about men "fighting the flab".  First is a fairly lame story - aren't they all - based around a pap photo of Peter Andre running with his personal trainer.

 Now he may not have the six pack that is always dragged up from the 90s, but Peter Andre is hardly "battling the bulge" as the Mail describes.  Not being the brightest bulb in the box, Mr Andre then justifies his existence as a celebrity by yapping on about how he needs to stay in shape to keep up with Jordan, and that he's not having liposuction but instead doing it the hard way.  Good on you Peter.  You're just like us.

Apparently, so is Jeremy Clarkson.  The Daily Mail delights in printing 5 topless photos of Jeremy (FIVE!!) just so they can comment on his belly.  The man is 46, incredibly successful and no doubt doesn't give a damn but still he makes for a strange target on the issue of the body beautiful.

The saving grace of this whole sorry post is the third male belly photo from today's Daily Mail.  They are not quite sure how to deal with this one though, as the man is pregnant. Maybe the journalist was a bit tired, as the article is surprisingly hate free.  The story concerns Thomas Beatie, born a woman and gender reassigned into maledom.  Thomas decided to keep his reproductive organs and is now with child.  Legally a man, married to a woman, the baby will be born into a 'normal' family.  But not quite.  Aside from the fact that Thomas and his wife are absolutely delighted, I take extreme pleasure in the fact that this story must be causing right wingers much angst.  I guess they will get around it by saying "not a real man" but until they do, I for one say hooray for this particular male belly!

Read an interview with Thomas here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Clarkson isn't the pregnant man?