Saturday 8 March 2008

I heart my iPhone

Mmmm Starbucks, originally uploaded by paulmonkeypaul.

I can't tell you how much I live my iPhone. Call me a sad nerd, but this thing still blows me away. Take this moment for example. I am sitting in starbucks enjoying a coffee. With my iPhone I can take a pretty photo of my drink. I can then upload the photo directly to Flickr. From there I can hit 'blog this' and send the photo to my blog. That will then be picked up by Facebook and FriendFeed for all the world to see.

Ok so I am not exactly curing cancer with it, but all these links and interconnections that were science fiction a few years ago must count for something? Its a big deal to me, and makes me very excited about the potential of this device in the future.

For now I am happy taking photos of Starbucks cups :-)

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