Tuesday 4 March 2008


I've come to the realisation that there are plenty of great 'social network' type sites out there that I belong to, but others might not know about.  Facebook is great, I have plenty of friends and I love it.  But sometimes you just want something that is simple and effective.  Unfortunately if nobody else uses them it's a bit like talking to yourself in a darkened room.  

So, here is a list of where and how you can find me.  Join in!  Otherwise this tree is falling and making plenty of noise for nobody to hear.

Twitter:  (username Macmonkeypaul) is brilliant for a quick 140 character status update.  Forces you to be quite creative!

Pownce: (username iPaul) is apparently a pretty sophisticated site which allows you to share files with friends etc.  Have only just started to get into this one.

FriendFeed: (username iPaul) is brand new, and does a great job of pulling everything together in one place!  If you only join one, make it this one.

Flickr (username paulmonkeypaul) is where I used to post all my photos, then got bored, but have got back into it again!

Bebo (username macmonkeypaul) is one that I don't really like, but I have lots of family who use it and love it and prefer it to Facebook so it's good for keeping up with the Aberdonians!

That's all I can think of for now!  While I'm at it though, there is a great online photo editor called Picknik which is brilliant if you are out and about and don't have access to your home version of Photoshop / Aperture.  I joined up and they have given me a couple of trial vouchers which I can send to anyone who wants them.  Just let me know!

It's not like you don't know how to get in touch with me now is it! Any other recommendations?  Leave a comment :)

ps I refuse to add my MySpace link because it's just SO over.  I'm not Kate fucking Nash.

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