Thursday 27 March 2008


This has got to be watched. 5 skinny women talking about chocolate. Nothing to do with the fact that Kit Kat are sponsoring their tour then. I'm trying not to be reminded of Anthea Turner's FlakeGate.  My favourite parts are:

The ginger one saying she doesn't really eat chocolate.
The irish one saying something in swahili.  Honestly what does she sound like?
The fact that Cheryl calls chocolate 'a woman thing'.

I do find it really bizarre that the media are so OBSESSED with womens' bodies, yet only women are used to advertise chocolate.  Can you think of ANY chocolate advert featuring only men, with no reference to women?  Yorkie?  Not for girls.  Maltesers?  Women talking about topless man.  Any time there is a man in a chocolate ad, women are either there or mentioned.  Whereas when women are used, it's always when they are alone, or stealing it from their friends without being noticed.  It's like a guilty little secret.  Flake in the bath.  Stealing jaffa cakes.  Fighting with your (jealous bitch) friends over the last Cadbury's chocolate pringle thing.

Anyone work in advertising?  Please explain what this is all about.  I don't get it.

Until then, sit back and enjoy a gorgeous Kit Kat Senseo or whatever girly name they have given it.  If it was aimed at men it would probably be called the Kit Kat Destructo or Kit Kat Testostero.

Rant over.  Can you tell I have given up chocolate for a month?  Does it show?

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