Sunday 13 July 2008


Sadly the end has arrived for CheekyMonster as the NOTW announces the split of Gabriellaellaella and Lemsip Oldspice.  Nothing at all to do with the current Living TV reality show "Life with the Cheeky Girls" which to me sounds more like a sentence than a series.  Oh no, apparently they have been arguing hammer and tongs for weeks and the pressure just got too much.  My favourite line from the story is "Lembit tried to buttonhole Gabby in the green room but she was ice cold."  Tee hee.  Maybe some flowers and a romantic dinner beforehand would have helped.

So who's next for Lemsip?  I would say it's a choice between Britney, A-Rod's estranged wife, or at a long shot Carla Bruni.  The latter because she has a record coming out.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does buttonhole mean??