Sunday 6 July 2008


Image: Donna

Journey's End was certainly an appropriate title for the Series Finale.  So many loose ends were tied up it was like a night out with Jamie Theakston.  I have very mixed feelings about the whole episode.  Within 10 seconds the regeneration storyline was fudged and it was back to business as usual.  I wanted to switch off at that point!  Anyway on with the show.  Davros was absolutely superb.  Menacing, demented, maniacal.  I can't believe he was brought back for only 1 full episode.  If he was left to burn at the end I think it was a total waste.  However, if we get any more 'they survived' storylines in future series it will start to look like a Cher Farewell Tour that never ends.  I could have taken or left the whole 2 Doctors thing.  Preferably left.  Donna becoming part Time-Lord was an interesting twist but it seemed to go against the grain of the story's message.  We were meant to believe that all along Donna was special, more than just a temp.  But she only became special when she was DoctorDonna and I would have preferred her to be seen as special because of something she did not something she became.    Sadly Martha survived to enter another spin-off but you can't have everything I suppose.  I squealed a little bit when K-9 made an appearance for which I am always happy, but groaned a lot when HumanDoctor was left with Rose to live happily ever after.  Oh dear Russell T Davies what have you done there?

So a mixed bag of a last episode which was a bit of a lame ending to what has overall been an absolutely stunning series.  Catherine Tate not only grew on me, but fast became the best actor on the series since Christopher Ecclestone said "Run".  I will really miss her in future episodes and think she did a great job even though now and again she could easily have lapsed into 'what a fucking liberty'.  I would have given her bonus points for using that one against the Daleks.

And Cybermen for the Christmas special?  It does kind of feel like NuWho is based mainly on either Daleks or Cybermen a lot of the time!  Let's see some brand new scary beasties or go for some other old favourites like Sea Devils or my personal best the Rassilon Warrior. 

Allons y!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely you mean the Raston Warrior robot, the 'ballerina' in a silver body stocking with the nifty art of firing spears from his wrist?