Wednesday 2 July 2008


Episode 12 : The Stolen Earth

So stunned was I at The Stolen Earth, I could barely bring myself to post a review.  Possibly one of the best bits of tv I have EVER seen, this had it all.  Daleks, Davros, every Nu:Who companion, and oh my time lord, a regeneration.  Or is it?  Of course there are millions of rumours going around about will he or wont he.  Frankly, I'm undecided.  On one hand I would be really disappointed if David Tennant bowed out at this stage, but equally how exciting and left field would it be to get a new Doctor at this point in time.  Russell T Davies is leaving, and this whole story arc has a sense of forthcoming ending-ness, so maybe we will get number 11 after all.  I for one can't wait to see the final episode.  I just really, really hope (and think I am going to be disappointed here) that Donna doesn't get killed off.  I've absolutely grown to love her character and it would be a tragedy if she went.  Need to bump someone off?  Take Martha.  Please.  Kill her twice if you have to, just make a good job of it. 
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