Thursday 15 May 2008


How appropriate it was that The Apprentice this week had a wedding theme.  I am, after all, becoming emotionally attached to these people like a hormonal 11 year old at a school disco.  One week I like Frances, the next week I barely notice her.  She just sits there. With her Bic.  I'm so over her.  Compare her to the Cleopatrian Margaret who, if I'm not mistaken, looks younger every week and is working her mojo for the camera big time stylee.
Meow!  And then there's the rest of the muppet show.  Lee "Now that's what I'm talking about" McQueen is the kind of person who would either burst a bloodvessel or your eardrums as soon as anything went well at work.  This is a typical LMcQ face.  Red, bulging, sweating.  Not in the office, please.

However, I'd take LMcQ's air-fisting over this next donkey any day.    Michael has to go.  Anyone who refers to customers as 'dumb dumbs' really doesn't deserve a full supply of oxygen.  Let him be gone soon please.

Which brings me onto a dilemma.  I am seriously considering starting a "Lucinda To Win" campaign.  She's absolutely amazing.  I love her absolute non-conformity to business dress, and the fact that she just loves making everyone feel good.  However, not even she can distract me from Alexsex.  Yes, I know he still does that bloody annoying thing with his mouth, but in certain situations it can look pretty hot.

And to be fair, the longer he stays in, the more likely we are to see more shots of him lounging around in a tight vest.  

Sadly the format of the show itself is getting a bit too repetitive.  This episode was just a rehash of last year's Art Dealer task, and next week's "design a tissue box" is a repeat of the trainers fiasco that saw Simon breakdancing and rapping in the last series.  If I was a candidate, I would go for shock value and design a brand of tissues called Wank Wipes.  Now there's a product for Alex to sell.

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