Friday 2 May 2008


Some questions raised by The Apprentice this week:

Why! Does! Lee McQueen! Talk in! Sentences punctuated! By pauses! And shouting!

Why, in a 170 bedroom house, do they boys have 3 to a room?  

Does the lovely Frances have to buy her own pens?  I noticed this week that she uses one of those Bic Tri-Colour things that always seems like a good idea, but they never write very nicely and after a while one of the springs stops working and it all just gets a bit too emotional so usually no more than one is ever purchased.  Maybe it makes her feel hi-tech in the absence of a computer.

In a week where 'save the planet' became a hot issue, why does nobody ever question the fact that Sir Alan swans around London in a massive Rolls Royce, and that the candidates need 5 people carriers to get them to Hackney.  The congestion charge bill alone for this show must be immense.

Why has CowClaire suddenly started wearing natty neck scarves?  Jenny is the Queen of the Neck Scarf and must be inwardly seething.  Jenny is also Queen of the Gingers.

Why, despite being a total snake, do people go weak at the knees over Alex?  Including myself. He wears a stupid fucking hat in every episode. Ok so does Lucinda but I quite like her beret chic.  Alex takes any and opportunity to smoulder at the camera in an unshaven tousled way.  Look at the effect he has on women in this next pic.  The body language!!  All for a man with no pectoral muscles.  Still, on the day he is fired (and I hope it's not too soon but definitely before the end) I shall be advertising for a random post for which the person spec includes lack of pecs and excessive hat wearing.

The search continues.  Next week, another twat gets sacked.  Please let it be Helene who has gone down in my estimations again for arguing with Lucinda.  Leave the poor deluded woman alone.  She has fairies to talk to.

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