Sunday 25 May 2008


It does feel a bit like we have been in New York for weeks, rather than just over a day.  The fact that between leaving home and now (44 hours) I have slept for about 2.5 hours probably doesn't help.  Now and again I wonder if I should have stayed at home, popped antibiotics and slept.  Probably.  Oh well.  I'm glad I didn't!  Shame I don't seem to be getting any better really.  It comes in cycles of massive boiling fever and freezing cold shivering.  FYI at the moment I'm in a hot phase.  But I'm learning how to manage it and splashed out in a Pharmacy today so I have enough drugs to wipe out a small army.  After last nights pointless attempt to sleep I'm looking forward to popping my Extra Strength Nighttime Tylenol tonight and having an uninterrupted night.

Anyway enough moaning.  Today, in between hot sweats, we walked close to 7 miles of NY streets and for the first time we left Manhattan and headed over to Brooklyn.  We didn't venture very far, just enough to walk back across the Brooklyn Bridge which was really cool.  It's just a bit of a shame that I can't think of Brooklyn without having the Beckhams in mind.  Other highlights of today include the (partially eaten) Silver Dollar Pancakes and fresh berries for breakfast, another hot sunny day of photo taking, finally doing Chinatown and Little Italy!   Sadly our food in Little Italy was pretty bad.  30 mins for our drinks to arrive and another 20 for food.  Unimpressed.

And now it's 8pm and the city beckons.  I don't reckon it will be a late one tonight, I want to enjoy my sleep!!

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