Wednesday 28 May 2008


Maybe it was just post-NY jadedness, but The Apprentice this week just seemed like some dead horse somewhere getting a right old slapping around.  There didn't seem to be much energy coming from any of the candidates or the staff this week.  Frances sounded perky but her voice is dubbed anyway so that doesn't count. 

Thankfully Michael finally went, but the others are just getting to be a bit stereotypical of themselves. Lee McQueen said "that's what I'm talking abahhhht" yawn.  Lucinda got emotional yawn.  Clare sold lots yawn.  The northern one didn't do much yawn.  Alex couldn't work out why he wasn't being a million percent amazing yawn.  On that last one I think it's because he committed the cardinal sin of shaving.  Not only does it make him look incredibly young and innocent looking (yech) I think it's also had the Samson-esque effect of sapping his powers.  

I'm getting to the stage where I don't particularly care who wins.  Lucinda will need to work harder to gain my unconditional support.  So next week looks more interesting with the 1:1 interviews which is just a way of everyone vicariously making up for every shitty interview we have ever done by turning into Nelson from the Simpsons and going "Haw Haw" every time one of them fucks up an answer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rich thinks Heat gave the game away last week as in their 'spotted' section it said Lee and Clare in suits buying he reckons they're the 2 finalists. You heard it here first!