Thursday 14 August 2008


Nice fluffy story of the day goes to the cast of Dallas who are reuniting for a 30th anniversary party which will be open to the public.  Awww bless them.  There are 2 things I learned from this story.  One is that Larry 'JR' Hagman is 76 years old (I know!!) and the other is that a film version of Dallas is in production, with John Travolta as JR and Shirley MacLaine as Miss Ellie!  OMG! Why have I not heard about this before??  Delving deeper into the trivia, and wondering how Shirley MacLaine could possibly pass herself off as John Travolta's mother, I was shocked to find out that she is 72!  Amazing.  Maybe I'm being a bit age sensitive today, with yet another round of A level results reminding me I'm not a teenager any more.  In fact, it was 17 years - or exactly 50% of my life - ago that I was opening that very same envelope. 

So, good luck to the Dallas alumni and may they live to celebrate many more anniversaries.  I'm pleased to be old enough to remember the show at the height of its popularity and before it jumped the shark.

Larry Hagman

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