Monday 18 August 2008


Patrick Swayze

I've tried to resist talking about smoking on the blog, as I realise just how difficult it is for an ex-smoker to ever have anything unbiased to say about it.  I'm now almost 11 months fag free, and while I occasionally miss it and despite the extra spare tyre, I really can't imagine ever going back to it.  But, if I was told I had a terminal disease would I just think to hell with it and rush out for a pack of Marlboro?  It's a tempting thought.  With distance and clarity from cigarettes I can see how absolutely absurd the whole thing is, but if I knew I had nothing to lose I might just spark up for old times sake.  So I kind of feel a bit sorry for Patrick Swayze getting a bashing in the press for smoking while he's battling pancreatic cancer.  Yes so he's probably not helping himself by doing it, but who are we to judge what he does with his life.  If I were him right now, the only thing I'd be doing is making an appointment for a bit of botox.  Rugged is fine, but what exactly is that between his eyebrows?  Is he sponsored by Mercedes?  Lots of positive wishes for him and his recovery.  Negative press is hardly helpful is it!

1 comment:

cchristo said...

Well done you for quitting!! That's such an achievement!!