Monday 30 June 2008


Our little trip home to Aberdeen is quite an eye opener in terms of
how east it is to fall off the health wagon. Like some kind of
desperate food-AA meeting-goer, I have indulged in the pleasures of
the fork and felt the shame afterwards. Last night we had a family
trip to the ice cream shop where I happily wolfed down 3 scoops of ice
cream covered in warm marshmallow sauce, Oreo cookies and sprinkles.
Oh how I lived. As much as I love being back in the homeland, its a
dangerous place to be for someone such as I who is so obviously
addicted to sugar.

My confession absolves me of guilt, and will carry me through until

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Words fail me. I can feel my stomach straining to fit in my jeans and my blood sugar rocketing just by looking at that. Yum!