Monday 9 June 2008

iPhone 3G. Shock.

Is Apple losing its touch?  Well, duh, of course not.  However there is something less and less exciting about each of Steve Jobs' keynote speeches.  Even 18 months ago they were absolutely shrouded in secrecy and fanboys like me were genuinely surprised when something amazing was revealed as 'one more thing'.  For today's speech there was pretty much nothing new that we hadn't already seen leaked or discussed.  MobileMe / is good but really just what dotMac should have been all along.  iPhone App Store.... ok, just give it to us.  iPhone Software 2.0 yeah yeah amazing now where is it.  And iPhone 3G.  Yes, I will foam at the mouth when I see one but there are still things missing, like video calling.  Maybe I should stop reading rumour sites and spoiling it for myself, or maybe Apple needs to start throwing in some curveballs now and again.  WWDC was pretty average as far as announcements go.  "Apple brings out 3G iPhone" is great, but could be better.

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