Friday 6 June 2008


It's really difficult trying to write something about Big Brother.  Really.  Go on, you try.  The initial temptation is to use phrases like "fish in a barrel" but then you realise that the fish never chose to live in said dwelling and that in the case of the BB Housemates, shooting may be too good for them.  There's something ironic about the society we live in when the Government battles human rights campaigners against detaining people for 42 days without charge, while we sit at home watching hopeless muppets navigating a 'zero tolerance' environment for 93.  They will literally be put in jail for breaking the rules. That doesn't even happen out here.  With all the work being done to smooth cultural relationships, it's amazing how a contestant like Mohamed can undo so much goodwill by introducing himself as "not a terrorist".  Actually that wasn't on my list of words.  Even Prophet and Boxer came before the T word,  but they were still pretty far down.  There were points during the launch show where the house looked like a day centre for the dysfunctional.  All we need is for Davina to do a Saturday morning basket weaving session and we're there.  

In all honesty, it's harmless entertainment for most.  A daily dose of schadenfreude to keep us from throwing ourselves off bridges.  As the news dies down over summer, BB generates instant headlines for the otherwise empty tabloids.  The entire staff of Heat magazine would probably be out of a job were it not for BB.  So it's with a bitter taste in the mouth and a heavy heart that I watch them set sail for another voyage of the damned.  I'm sure I will be watching now and again, and no doubt it will give me something to write about too.  You see, I'm part of the problem not the solution.  

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