Sunday 15 June 2008


I must learn to manage my expectations about Doctor Who.  I really thought this week would be terrible after the highs of the last 2 episodes.  Even for the first few minutes I was sceptical.  No Donna.  Carol from Eastenders.  Rose from Bob & Rose.  How wrong could I be.  Aside from it looking at times like an actors' workshop, this was one of the most interesting episodes of recent times.  Claustrophobic and tense, with no apparent and visible danger, it was written and acted beautifully.  Lesley Sharp blew me away as the possessed monster.  Interestingly enough, the Doctor didn't do an awful lot to save the day, and was brought down with a bump when his usual approach to saving everyone was used against him.  A good solid 4 out of 5 for this one.

And next week, it looks like we're into the final story arc for the last three episodes.  Rose returns (squeal) and, Donna Noble... you have something on your back.

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