Monday 2 June 2008


Vile loser Michael from The Apprentice has 'confessed' to being a gambling addicted rent boy.  Nice.  Bet Sir Alan is glad he didn't get the job then.  Now, call me old fashioned, but a confession usually involves some enticement or threat.  It looks like Michael could barely keep his mouth shut as soon as the tabloids waved a bit of cash in front of him.  Old dog new tricks springs to mind.  If you actually watch the hideous video on the News of the World website he unleashes a 5 minute stream of consciousness where he uses words like 'baudy' and 'seedy' to describe his life.  It's not Moulin Rouge honey.  The interviewer sits there snorting and grunting, barely having to ask any questions.  It wouldn't surprise me if he was masturbating over the salacious details of Michael's hot and steamy sex life.  To be honest, I pity the fools who ever paid him money for sex, although in all of his 'confessions' he only actually admits to 2 and one of them had a moustache.  Let's hope this little blurt of celebrity is the last we hear from this man.  Otherwise, I'll happily start a collection to pay for his silence.

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