Monday 23 June 2008


And so to the beginning of the end, and if this episode is anything to go by the end is upon us and oh is it mighty.  Even though this episode could have been called Sliding Tardis Doors it was still well crafted and kept me on the edge of my seat for 47 minutes.  Multiple realities and universes all folding in on themselves, just your usual Saturday night really.  It was a bit like one of those Eastenders episodes that only feature Ethel and Dot but with invisible beetles and vanishing stars.  Good performance yet again from Catherine Tate, and a disappointingly average return from Billie who has turned into GI Rose and speaks a little bit like Janet Street Porter with dry gums.  To be honest, they could all have sat in silence for the whole thing and I would still have loved it.  The lead up to a finale is always a great event, particularly when this involves the departure of Russell T Davies (long may he reign).  It does look like all the stops have been firmly pulled out, with cameos from every single companion and colleague from Nu:Who.  And not to mention a certain man called Davros!

Oh and can I just take you back to my prediction from Episode 1:  where are all the bees?

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