Friday 18 April 2008


Anyone remember Brian Conley?  Apparently he was funny back in the 80s for a couple of weeks.  Sort of appealed to the people who enjoyed shows like Live at the Palladium.  Well apparently the years have not eroded any of his amazing and wacky humour one bit.  No siree.  He is, in fact, even funnier now.  To prove this, Brian has had a tattoo done. On his arse.  A haiku? No.  A delicate flower? No.  What is it I hear you ask?  A no entry sign.  On his arse!  Hilarious! Oh my god stop my sides have burst.  No entry!  On his arse!  As in, no gay sex please I'm a straight man!  Oh Brian methinks you doth protest too much.  Sadly for you, nobody would want to touch it with a barge pole even if your sign said "this way up".  Go back to the 80s you sad pathetic man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough, Brian has just recently purchased a house in the village that I live in!!! If I see him on the beach in his throng, I will look out for the No Entry sign