Sunday 27 April 2008


So it was goodbye Lindi on this weeks Apprentice, which overall was just a bit too happy and a bit too positive for my liking.  All the arguments seemed engineered at the end, after a task which actually went pretty well for both teams.  And that's hardly entertaining is it!  Lee McQueen didn't refer to Lee McQueen in the third person.  Alex wore silly hats.  Lucinda drew on the power of flower fairies to give her strength.  All pretty samey really.

Apart from one thing.  Frances got a facial shot!!  Finally we got to see the woman behind the peroxide.  Is that supposed to be a window behind her?  Nice glossy black desk.  Not many companies have a receptionist dedicated to their 'board room'.  

The poor woman needs a computer though.  Badly.  Even a Dell.  Doesn't have to be an iMac or anything.  She just sits scribbling in her leatherbound A4 pad.  Two pages of writing!!  Is she doing a really long suicide note?  Bulimic shopping list?  Or is she just writing why am I so bored over and over again. 

Stay tuned for next week, when Frances might even upgrade to a nicer pen.

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