Sunday 6 April 2008


I've had a few false starts this year when it comes to healthy eating and the whole body beautiful thing.  Six months (woot) of non-smoking and a bit of extra munching have all contributed to a nice bit of porkage which needs to go.  How many times this year have I said " more junk food".... too many.  Things came to a head last week when mr other half came home with some diet found on the internet.  One of those crazy "nothing but bananas" ones.  But it promised up to 17lbs of weight loss in one week so we thought what the fuck let's give it a try.  Totally unhealthy, unsustainable and ridulous.  But what the fuck.  Day 1 got off on the wrong foot, waking up to realise it was "only fruit" day and there was no fruit left in the house.  So breakfast was a black coffee and a tin of fruit cocktail.  I felt like I was at some weird kids party.  Stopped off at Sainsbury's on the way to work and bought 2 carrier bags of fruit.   It was time to get serious.  Morning came and went :  2 apples, 1 satsuma.  For lunch I ate strawberries.  My headache kicked in round about 1:00.  As a mid afternoon snack I ate a pear and another satsuma.  By 3:00 I had a migraine.  I left work wondering if I would make it home, avoiding the gym on the advice of concerned colleagues who thought I may keel over.  I drove home at 60, thinking I was going 500.  At one point, worried I would barf, I thought I might have to pull onto the hard shoulder and call for help. How pleasant.  I made it home, sweaty and pale.  I was in bed asleep within 15 minutes and woke up feeling like someone had dropped a small safe on my head.  The decision was made.  Fuck this.  Nothing is worth feeling so rough.

However, it did light a small bulb over my head.  I like structure, routine and rules when it comes to eating.  Give me free choice and I'll eat 4 Krispy Kremes and a diet coke.  So, the time has come to count Points.  WeightWatchers ones.  I lost loads of weight a few years back and it's the only system that has ever helped me shed the excess baggage.  I signed up online (no shaming in public, thank you) and today a set of bathroom scales were purchased.  

This time, it's personal.

So, if you thought my blog was a meaningless piece of fluff built around the transient world of celebrities, technology and speculation you can breathe a sigh of relief.  It's about to turn into a reality show!  

First weigh in happens tomorrow morning.  After that, you will be treated to weekly progress updates, insights, grumbles and general waffle about my quest for leanness.  All support welcome!

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