Monday 28 April 2008


Apologies for the tabloid headline, but wow this is shocking.  It's not often I get all serious on this blog but there's something about the Austrian Fritzl case that has just chilled me to the bone.  A man kept his daughter prisoner in his cellar for 24 years and fathered 7 children with her.  3 of the children (in their teens!) have never been outside the cellar.  Living obliviously above the cellar, Mrs Fritzl was looking after 3 of what she thought were here abandoned grandchildren.  Absolutely, completely appalling and unbelievable.  While the curious part of me wants to know everything about this case, including how those kids feel about it, I also think it's probably best if they just go off into some secluded part of the world and try to develop lives.  I hope they don't end up on Oprah.  So terribly sad.

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