Friday 11 April 2008


Riding high on my last dalliance with fame (letter printed in The Sun, December 2006) I am delighted to announce that yet again the world of media has called my name.  Or at least read it out.  Those of you who I have bored to tears about Answer Me This Podcast will already know it well.  Those who don't, download it now!  It's an absolutely brilliant way to spend half an hour, listening to Helen and Olly answer random questions sent in by listeners.  Such as:

* Would you rather have pubes for teeth or teeth for pubes?
* How many people must one kill before it is classed as a spree?
* What do you do if you wet yourself on a train?
* How can you tell if an old person used to be hot?

...and so on.  But now, the stakes have been raised.  Download episode 53 now and listen to the question sent in by Paul from Southend (ie me).  It has made my day to be included on something that is one of the highlights of my week.  Helen and Olly, I salute you.

You can download the podcast through iTunes, or by going to 

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