Friday 18 April 2008


I am concerned.  As a free thinking liberal there's very little that makes me go all 'Daily Mail'.  Stories of bent bananas, metric measurements and other Euro-sceptic propaganda normally wash over my shiny and perfectly round euro-compliant head.  But, dear readers, this time I'm mad.  Watch out Brussels!!  One of my favourite things in the world is at risk.

Yes, I know it makes most people gag but the humble Battenburg is one of my top best cakes ever.  I love it.  The soft sponge.  The slimy jam.  The marzipan that comes off like a well peeled apple, crunchy with sugar.  I'm salivating at the thought of it.  Unfortunately, it turns out that Battenburg contains artificial colours in every single one of its components: sponge, jam and marzipan.  It particularly contains artificial colours that are about to be outlawed by Sheriff Europe.  These colours appear in loads of things but can usually be substituted for something else as they are a minor component.  However in a battenburg they are vital.  

It has been suggested that the only way to deal with this is to completely cease production and wave goodbye to an old friend rather than change it so fundamentally.  If that is the case, I will gladly spend a whole weekend binge-eating boxes of Mr Kiplings mini battenburgs as a personal tribute to a classic cake.  Anyone want to join me?

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