Thursday 24 April 2008


Billie Piper has denied reports she is pregnant.
Courtney Cox denies reports she is going through the menopause.
Julia Roberts says she doesn't wear deodorant.
Paris Hilton denies she is getting married.

Feel better for that injection of hot news?  No, me neither.  I don't get it.  The internet and celeb magazines are full of shitty little stories that say nothing whatsoever.  I mean, you're hardly going to wow your mates in the pub by telling them that Paris Hilton isn't getting married.  Why stop there though?  If nothingness makes headlines, why not make up a few of your own?

Dean Gaffney has denied reports he is to stand for President of the USA.
Justin Timberlake has stamped on rumours that he is actually half Llama.
Germaine Greer denies that she made all that stuff up about feminism and equal rights.
Ashton Kucher hits out at reports of his addiction to Birds Eye potato waffles.

Try it. You might come up with something interesting that will amaze your friends!

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